Thank you for deciding to share your expertise with young Armenian entrepreneurs.
It is absolutely up to you how you will engage with the those seeking advice. Your details will not be published.
As a Member of the Advisory Board of AdviseArmenia, you will receive inquiries related to your expertise. You may:
- ignore the inquiry
- reply without having to reveal your identity to those who will receive your advice
- cap your advice for a particular project to a single reply
- allow those seeking advice to ask more questions directly or through AdviseArmenia
- decide to mentor a particular project
- decide to invest in a particular project
- make your reply public and part of our knowledge base, credited to you or anonymously
This is an opportunity to help young Armenian entrepreneurs without any exposure, obligations and commitment from your side.
Your advice may prove invaluable to those who have no means to access it otherwise.
If you'd like to become an Advisor, please send us the following info: